Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Button It!

After regretting that I had ever signed myself up to do the 30 day Blog Challenge..struggling to write anything of merit on Day 1..things did improve on Day 2 and I was starting to think that I actually may enjoy doing this, in a weird kind of way.  So there I was this morning, eargerly logging onto my e-mail, in between tweeting and facebooking (I'd rather do anything than get on with doing the housework) awaiting what the challenge would be and ..nothing!!!

Why is this, I start to ask myself.. was I so rubbish that they have dumped me off the programme for crimes against there a problem with my e-mail (No, that's ok as I have received three messages from Vistaprint today telling me that it is my absolute last chance to get a million business cards for free) or am I going to get the challenge at 11pm tonight saying that I need to draft something wonderful and mind provoking by midnight.

The sensible side of me knows that all these outcomes are totally ridiculous and there is probably some technical issue at the other end which means I will get my challenge at some point, probably tomorrow, just before the Day 4 Challenge, and I will then have to try and write 2 blogs - perhaps I will just cheat and join them together.  Anyway in the spirit of trying to be self motivated  - with help from the biscuit tin - I have set my own Day 3 Challenge and am going to dedicate this  blog to all things buttons and the lovely hadmade buttons made by Wendy Fowler, which are now avaliable to buy from Moss Stitch's market stall and will soon be avaliable to buy from the website.

Wendy is a Ceramicist based in High Wycombe.  She makes the most wonderful pots, the most recent of which, is inspired by the view from her studio window, of the old furniture factories of High Wycombe, and also makes a selection of porcelain buttons which come in sets of one, two, four or six.
A single button from Wendy Fowler

A set of six buttons from Wendy Fowler

Wendy's work can be viewed at

PS - Excuse the spelling in this blog.  The spell checker does not seem to be working or perhaps everything is spelt perfectly - doubt this!!

1 comment:

  1. ohooohhh! i have a bit of a button addiction...started well before the bead one! :) i will be down to see them on thursday! x
